why us?
Why us? Why not us? We don’t boast to be the best or premier or number one recruiting firm, because measuring service is subjective, and ultimately it is you who makes that determination. But we are proud of our continued success and feel the following are just some of the advantages you get when partnering your career with Engionix.

Specialists: While most search firms work in multiple disciplines, Engionix prides itself on its specialty – Engineering and Architecture. We know what you do and what you look for, which is why we feel we help “engineer” careers.

Communication with Candidates: Just as technology is ever changing, so too is our recruiting process. Engionix respects your time and understands the difficulty that sometimes comes with telephone communication. That is why we do most of our communication with you via email.

Presentation: A recruiter introducing you to a client company makes you stand out from the crowd. You're put forward by a trusted source, rather than through just your blind email submittal.

Hidden job leads: Many searches are confidential and not advertised.

Preparation: Engionix can give you insight into the hiring company’s culture, its employees, those interviewing you, as well as a good understanding of the position’s requirements and duties.

Buffering: We serve as a useful information channel, as well as negotiator, between you and the company.

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